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Angel Interview: Aimee Angel

What attracted you to being an escort?

Being good at something and being payed for it is always the best.

What do you like most about working for West Coast Angels?

Being around more women and a womanly environment with our names being all "Angels" makes me feel connected. :)

What’s your sexiest attribute, and why?

I would have to say my ass, because it's the most obviously voluptuous and complimented area on my body. ;)

In a few words, please describe what someone should expect on a date with you.

Expect that I will want to tell lots of jokes, funny or weird and share crazy stories and expect some in return. Lots of giggles from me.

If you could plan an ideal ‘Perfect’ extended date with a client, where would you go and what would you do?

Nothing too much other than good choice in the restaurant. I LOVE food, it makes me very happy. And wherever they want to go at the end of the night, Id love a clean and romantic hotel (better have roses everywhere, haha.) Cruising around would be nice as well.

Wine or chocolate?

Chocolate, wines not really my type of alcohol. ;)

Bath or shower?

Shower, I like to be clean, and you have just as much fun regardless, if you know what I mean.

What are a few of your turn ons? Turn offs? And what single thing could a guy do to make a date super special?

Turn on - having similar tastes in music and activities, having manners and being gentle. Kissing my back is an instant turn on! Turn offs are being to rough at the beginning, let me warm up, haha! And bad hygiene, if you look good, dress good, it's sexy! Make it special by giving something to wear or a small gift (food?) :*

What's the most sensitive part of you body?

My back, inner thighs and butt!

Do you prefer wearing make up or none at all?

I prefer putting on some makeup, it's just sexier, in my opinion.

Favourite type of lingerie to wear and do you prefer taking it all off or keeping some on?

If they request or bring me something then I will wear whatever you like me to, otherwise I like the simple matching undies and some heels, it's all coming off eventually, ;)

If you could pick one food to use in the bedroom what would it be and how would you use it?

I would really only use some small strawberries, sweet not sour and just simply feed it to to each other, fun and yummy.

If you had the whole city of Vancouver to yourself, where would you have sex first?

I've never tried it but I would love to try the beach on a hot and sunny day.

What are you looking forward to this summer?

Getting to wear whatever I like and having more free time to work and see my friends.

xo Aimee

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